Tuesday, 6 March 2007

The bouncer code

At the start of the week i managed to interview my bouncer friend "Tony". He works part-time as a bouncer and he gave an insight of the bouncer world. During this interview i found out several interesting facts. A primary job of a bouncer is to stop drug dealing happening in the club. But according to "Tony" you will never be able to stop drug dealing from happening because people can hide drugs in loads of places. So what bouncer's do is make friends with one drug dealer and turn a blind eye to what he does in the club. In exchange the dealer rats out other dealer's trying to deal on his patch.

During one of my nights out i bumped into a mate who happens to have links to the drug world. It was at about 2:15 am when i saw him standing on Oxford Street alone waiting for his friends. When i asked him what happened he replied, "I got kicked out of a club." I continued to question him further on what he had done but he just smiled and assured me it wasn't because he had gotten into a fight...

...A week later, me and this mate went to Sound club Leicester Square. I arrived there before him and got in no problem but literally half an hour later he arrived and had problems getting in. He called me saying they weren't letting him in. I went outside and it was this one bouncer in particular that for some reason was adamant he come in. My mate told me to go upstairs and that he would be up shortly. And sure enough five minutes later he walks up to me with a big grin on his face. When i asked him what had happened he replied, "He knew about my business." When i asked how he managed to persuade him for entrance he told me, "I told him i aint got nothing and sorted him out."

Later he told me he slipped the bouncer a £20 note.

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